Diabetes is a disorder that affects the way your body uses food for energy. Normally, the sugar you take in is digested and broken down to a simple sugar, known as glucose. The glucose then circulates in your blood where it waits to enter cells to be used as fuel. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps move the glucose into cells. A healthy pancreas adjusts the amount of insulin based on the level of glucose. But, if you have diabetes, this process breaks down, and blood sugar levels become too high.

Diabetes is divided into two stages : Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Mostly   both of them have similar symptoms. No diabetes patients will be able to provide confirmation on which type of diabetes is associated with them until further medical examinations are carried out.

  • Type 1 diabetes happens when part of our immune system is acting against our body. We can say, it is an autoimmune disease. When our immune system starts to attack the beta cells that produce insulin, the production of insulin, which is the hormone that our body produces to reduce the amount of glucose in our bloodstream will decrease.Such circumstances will give rise to a spike in glucose level, indirectly leading towards diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is normally caused by genetic and environmental factors. Some of the symptoms coincide with type 2 diabetes but most type 1 diabetes patients will have blurred vision, weight loss and lack of energy.

Although there is no clear cut treatment for the disease yet, patients may have to inject themselves with insulin in order to keep their blood sugar level at bay. Failure to do so may cause drowsiness and the patient might faint due to the glucose spike. There are of course other measures to be taken by the patient such as following a diabetic diet and frequent exercise.

  • Type 2 diabetes, is being caused by the inability of our body to use the amount of insulin produced effectively. Such a condition is what we call as an insulin resistant. Compared to type 1 diabetes, more time is needed for type 2 to develop but the current trend is showing that kids as young as 10 years old is starting to develop the disease.

Some of the symptoms are slow healing of wounds, frequent urination and the increase in likeliness of contracting common disease such as flu, cough and fever.

Medication may be required for the disease. Recommendations to prevent the disease include having balanced meals, frequent exercises and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Failure to prevent such a nasty disease may lead to a long period of suffering that the disease will cause.

Mostly teenagers start smoking. Some reasons behind that are given below. Let’s see why young people smoke:

1. To show himself mature – when teens see older people all around them smoking, especially their parents and relatives, they start smoking because they want to look like them.

2. To be like their friend – if their friends or peers smoke, they feel pressured into doing the same to be accepted.

3. To experiment – some teens start smoking because they want to experiment with something new or because of curiosity.

Adults smoke for other reasons:

1. Because of the stess and pressures

2. Because of economic and personal problems

They may be unemployed or working but not making enough money to take care of themselves and their families. They may be homeless, or they may be dealing with alcohol or cocaine/heroin addictions. All these people may smoke to feel relaxed or to give them energy while going through a hard time.

Finally, there are people who say they love to smoke. Smoking gives them pleasure and makes them feel good. Main reason behind that they want to hide their problems.

All children get ill from time to time, and it can be difficult to know when to seek help. From fever to chickenpox, you’ll find plenty of advice on common illnesses to help you through. We also look at behavioral problems such as bed wetting.

Some Childhood diseases :

  • Appendicitis
  • Common childhood diseases
  • Chickenpox
  • Croup
  • Diabetes in children
  • Epilepsy
  • Epileptic attacks
  • Erythema infectiosum
  • Febrile convulsions (febrile fits)
  • Foreskin contraction (phimosis)
  • Glandular fever
  • Glue ear (secretory otitis media)
  • Inflammation of middle ear (otitis media)
  • Influenza (flu)
  • Measles
  • Meningitis
  • Meningitis (cerebrospinal meningitis)
  • Mumps
  • Nettle rash (urticaria)
  • Osteomalacia and rickets (vitamin D deficiency)
  • Ringworm (tinea corporis)
  • Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis)
  • Scarlet fever
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Whooping cough

It can be after Drink?  Drink Can Strengthen Your Bones.

Six-pack skeleton? Hitting the sauce may be good for your bones, reports a study in the American Journal of Medicine.

Subjects who had more than half a drink but no more than one drink per day had a risk of hip fracture 20 percent lower than teetotalers’. Moderate amounts of alcohol help boost estrogen levels and enable the body to absorb more calcium—conditions that contribute to higher bone density.

But boozers, beware: Tossing back a whole bottle of vino won’t build bionic parts, so stick to one power cocktail daily.

When people drink too much, they might do or say things they don’t mean. They might hurt themselves or other people, especially if they drive a car. Someone who drinks too much also might throw up and could wake up the next day feeling awful — that’s called a hangover. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can kill a person. Over time, someone who abuses alcohol can do serious damage to his or her body. The liver, which removes poisons from the blood, is especially at risk.

Because alcohol can cause such problems, the citizens and government leaders in this country have decided that kids shouldn’t be allowed to buy or use alcohol. By setting the drinking age at 21, they hope older people will be able to make good decisions about alcohol. For instance, they don’t want people to drink alcohol and drive cars because that’s how many accidents occur.

Scientifically Proven – Weight loss therapies working on yopur fat reduction rather than water redution. Safe , effective and permanent weight loss. A complete transformation to slim,fit and healthy state of body,mind and soul.

Some Weight Reduction Thrapies:

(1) Physiotherapy : Therapeutic Gymnasium, Exercises, Electro Gymnastics.

(2) Naturopathy : Massage Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Mud Therapy, Detoxification Therapy, Diet Therapy.

(3) Ayurveda: Massage Therapy, Steam Bath
(4) Yoga: Dynamic Yoga, Complete Internal Detox

(5) Nutrition Therapy